Flower Essences are Herbal Supplements
Flower Essences are liquid herbal supplements
They can be taken as oral solutions or applied to the skin
Flower Essences capture the energy pattern of a plant’s flower
The energy of the flower imparts a vibrational pattern, the plants 'signature'
The vibrational pattern of the plants balances our bodies electrical systems
The flower essences help us to release patterns of trauma or stress that causes imbalance
The flower essences help repair short-circuits to our electrical system
How to Administer Flower Essences
Directly in your mouth from dropper bottle
Diluted in water
Diluted into hot tea (dissolves alcohol)
Flower Essences can be applied to the skin
Spray bottle to spritz face, around chest and on your body
Dropper bottle to apply to palms of hands or pressure points
Dropper bottle to add to bath water
When to take Flower Essences
Flower Essences can be taken in emergencies- i.e. ‘Rescue Remedy’
Flower Essences can be taken for self-care
Flower Essences can be blended into a dosage bottle
Dosage bottles usually hold enough drops to take for one month
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