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 My Beautiful, Dear, Mother Earth - 8 Bottle Set

Are you preparing a community or group celebration? Would you like a blend to use to prepare the sacred space and deepen the connections? This formula helps to enhance and ground the space for ceremony or gatherings to brighten and deepen the connection to the earth and each other.


3.1. Macadamia Nut Flower - Community in Paradise

3.2. Jasmine - Luxury, Appreciation for Life

3.3. Pink Evening Primrose - Earth Spirit Connection

3.4. Elderflower - Nature Connection

3.5. Cucumber - Restore Happiness

3.6. Bougainvillea - Earth Point Ground

3.7. Rose Geranium - Mother and Child Bond

3.8. Tobacco San Juan Pueblo - Peace Ceremony

Focused Set 3 - My Beautiful, Dear, Mother Earth

  • Eight bottles - 1 fl oz - 30ml each

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